Auntie Kate’s Coarse Mash 20kg
Grain based feeds supplemented by household scraps and pasture foraging is the traditional diet and this style of feeding remains a great option, especially as it encourages optimal gut- health. While birds love grain is critical to understand that grains alone are deficient in vitamin and minerals so a grain-based diet must be supplemented to ensure good health and production. Access to green feeds and pasture is often sufficient.
Manufactured feeds in the form of pellets, crumbles or mash are used in commercial poultry production. A complete and balanced ration is provided in a controlled environment with the aim of maximising egg or meat production at the lowest cost. These rations typically include medicines, vitamin and minerals and RAM based protein supplements to ensure health and nutrition is balanced and complete.
Disadvantages with manufactured feeds are:
– The gizzard does not have to work to grind the feed leading to the risk of gut health issues
– In a free range backyard situation manufactured feeds deteriorate and are less palatable and appetising than whole grains.
– The risk associated with feeding RAM, see notes in the What is RAM tab